★美語營一日流★ 🌞【Morning Time】早晨時光🌞 星期二早晨時光 換卡時間 Card Exchange Time Seven signatures cards: 七個簽名 ➊Now is card exchange time, please
take out of your textbook ➊現在是換卡時間,請把課本拿出來。 ➋The first one I’m going to do is Seven
signatures, please wait for me to call you out. If you have it
please raise your hand ➋我要先換(七個簽名),人很多,等老師叫到在出列。 Three same cards:三張一樣 ➊Moving to next, Three Same cards,
if you have three same card please raise you hand. ➊再來我要換(三張一樣),你有三張一樣的請舉手。 ➋Okay so many people
. Wait for me to call you out. ➋人很多,等老師叫到在出列 Class rules:班規 ➊Moving to next, class rules turn to
page XX if you gave to parents sign up already ➊再來換(班規)課本翻到 XX有給家長簽名的請舉手, ➋Please raise your hand, wait for me
to call you out. ➋等老師叫到在出列 Worksheet Check:學習單家長簽名 ➊Moving to next, worksheet check, if
you gave to your parents sign it already ➊再來換(學習單),有給家長簽名的請舉手 ➋Please raise your hand, wait for me
to call you out. ➋等老師叫到在出列 Kingdom In Crisis Ocean:小勇士任務(大墩陽光的危機) ➊Moving to next one, Kingdom in
Crisis Ocean please turn to page XX If you are finished drawing this
page ➊再來換小勇士任務,畫完的請舉手 ➋Please raise your hand, wait for me
to call you out. ➋等老師叫到在出列 Card Creation:卡片創意畫 ➊Moving to next, card creation ,please turn to page XX. If you are finished
drawing your card creation ➊再來換卡片創意,畫完的請舉手 ➋Please raise your hand, wait for me
to call you out. ➋等老師叫到在出列 Audio Story:有聲書 ➊Moving to next, Audio story, if you
finished drawing ➊再來我要換有聲書,有畫完的請舉手 ➋Please raise your hand and wait for
me to call you out. ➋等老師叫到在出列 班級人數多的時候叫組別 班級人數少的時候全部叫出來 Facebook like: FB按讚 ➊If you gave a like and leave a
comment on our Daduen Yang Guang FB fan page ➊再來你有到大墩陽光按讚留言的, ➋Please raise your hand ( you will get a Master card) ➋請舉手,等老師叫到在出列 (按讚留言抽神卡) 【中文翻譯】 Parents feedback form:家長意見表 ➊Turn to page XX. If you have
completed your parents feedback form, ➊課本翻到XX頁,你有寫家長意見表的請舉手 ➋Please help me rip it out and hand
it to the teacher.(only on Friday) ➋有寫的請幫我撕下來,交來前面給老師 (只有禮拜五要收) 換卡順序《The sequence of card exchange》 > Kingdom In Crisis Ocean 小勇士任務(大墩陽光的危機) > Audio Story 有聲書 ❌不換8張
點名 ➊Right now, we are going to take roll call.
When I call your name, please respond with 'here.' For example: 王大明、王曉明、林曉春、黃大千…… (List of names) ➌Is there anyone who needs to take medicine
today? ➌今天有人要吃藥嗎? ➍Is there anyone who needs to leave early
today? What time? ➍今天有人要提早走嗎?幾點?
➊Today I need to choose two class prefects,
one for morning, one for afternoon. Any volunteers? ➊我們現在要來選上下午的小風紀,有人自願嗎? ➋I want to eat lemon…..banana……. ok You! You are the morning class prefect. ➋我想要吃檸檬…….香蕉……. 好你最快,你是上午的小風紀 ➌And I want one more for afternoon,
watermelon……. grapes……. ➌我還需要下午的小風紀,西瓜……..葡萄……. ➍You are the fastest one , you are going to be our afternoon class prefect
today. ➍好! 你最快,你是今天下午的小風紀。
🔴單字預習影片的教學流程 https://youtu.be/ZyvnnCzQ-OU (教學影片) ➊先確認日期,後打開影片 ➋先撥影片給學生們看,然後請他們跟著影片一起唸 ➌影片看到最後,暫停到所有單字都讓學生看的見 ➍再由老師帶學們一起複習2遍, ➎然後點5-6位學生念(確認他們的發音) ➏不用太久最多10分鐘 ➐之後就播有聲書or童話故事 星期二單字預習影片 🔴單字日常用語(共9分鐘) https://youtu.be/0FFQmozwXIo(2分半) https://youtu.be/CbBWwDFBjKk(2分半) https://youtu.be/u3r0Ohmocx0(4分) 星期三單字預習影片 🔴日常用語(共9分鐘) https://youtu.be/0FFQmozwXIo(2分半) https://youtu.be/CbBWwDFBjKk(2分半) https://youtu.be/u3r0Ohmocx0(4分) 星期四單字預習影片 🔴日常用語(共9分鐘) https://youtu.be/0FFQmozwXIo(2分半) https://youtu.be/CbBWwDFBjKk(2分半) https://youtu.be/u3r0Ohmocx0(4分) 星期五單字預習影片 🔴日常用語(共9分鐘) https://youtu.be/0FFQmozwXIo(2分半) https://youtu.be/CbBWwDFBjKk(2分半) https://youtu.be/u3r0Ohmocx0(4分) 播有聲書 Play Audio Story 1) Now we are going to listen audio
stories. 2) Please turn to Pg. XX 3) If you didn’t bring your book, please
raise your hand. 🔴星期一有聲書 (英文版)大墩王國的危機銀光海域(7分) 🔴星期二有聲書 (英文版)大墩王國決戰天空之城(8分) 🔴星期三英語童話故事 Pinocchio 小木偶(13分46秒) 🔴星期四英語童話故事 Peter Pan 小飛俠 (11分) https://youtu.be/TjpZj6GK3L4?si 🔴星期五英語童話故事 Tarzan 泰山(11分) |
🍽【Lunch Time】午餐午休🍽 播午餐規則 (12:00)
https://youtu.be/WCVQSMkghDo ➊請把桌上東西收起來。 ➋Now we are going to listen the lunch rules
now, please listen carefully. ➋現在我們要聽午餐規則請你仔細聽。 ➌Take out your chopsticks and spoon. ➌把筷子和湯匙拿出來 ➍If you don’t have them, please
raise your hand, and the teacher will give them to you." ➍如果你沒有的話請你舉手老師會發給你 聽哨和洗手
Pay attention to whistle + Wash hands(12:05) ➊Now, everyone go wash your hands and when
you come back to the class, Please sanitize your hands with cleansing
alcohol. ➊現在全班去洗手,洗完手後回教室找老師噴酒精。 回教室吃飯 (12:10∼12:35) ➊Please remove the chopstick sleeves and
hand your rubber bands to your team leader. ➊請把筷子套拆掉和橡皮筋交給你們的小組長 ➋Team leaders should collect them and place
them at the front of the trash bag. ➋小組長收集完後拿來前面丟 ➌If you are still hungry, you can go
talk to the Captain. ➌吃不飽的話去外面找大隊長夾配菜, ➍If you have finished your meal, you
can play " Daduen Card" with others who have also
finished their meals. ➍吃飽的同學可以玩大墩卡。 Q:用餐期間12:00~12:35吹哨之前,學生想裝水、洗手、洗碗、刷牙? A: 請學生等12:35下課後再去做(用餐期間不要讓學生離開教室除了上廁所) Q:用餐期間12:00~12:35吹哨之前,學生想上廁所? A: 請派一位老師帶學生去廁所(如果學生想上廁所一定要讓他去) 吹哨下課(午睡前最後一次上廁所) (12:35) 一定要聽到大隊長的哨音 ➊If you have to
take medicine, you can take it now. Then, refill your water and go to the
bathroom. During the lunch naptime, if you need to use the washroom, you have to inform the captain. ➊要吃藥的小朋友,可以現在吃。然後要裝水的可以現在去裝,想上廁所的趕快去。午休期間如果要去廁所要和大隊長說。 吹哨回教室睡覺 (12:40) 播午睡有聲書 ➊Turn into stone~~~~ We are about to listen
to a bedtime story. If you sleep well when you wake up you will get a Daduen card 等等午睡得好的會得到一張大墩卡。 🔴 Story of The mouses mirror (5分) https://youtu.be/bdbDHOOmdAo?si 星期二午睡英語童話故事 🔴 The Arrogant Rose (5分) https://youtu.be/MaON96fAegk?si 星期三午睡英語童話故事 🔴 Three Little Pigs (8分) 星期四午睡英語童話故事 🔴 The Birth Story of Jesus Christ (5分) https://youtu.be/NJqMGE_GE9c?si 星期五英語童話故事 🔴 Horse Story (5分) |
❤️【Happy hour】歡樂時光❤️ 聲●整潔比賽(要投影出來) 聲●卡鬥時間(要投影出來) Rollcall 點名(15:30) ➊Right now, we need to do a roll
call. ➊現在我們要來點名。 ➋If Teacher XXX calls your name ➋老師點到你的名字 ➌please raise your hand and say
"HERE." ➌請你舉手喊”HERE” Card exchange (15:35 to 15:50) Blackboard cards: 黑板卡 ➊Now is card exchange time. Please
let me count how many points you guys got today: ➊現在來換黑板卡,來算今天你們共得了幾分。 ➋Team, one got ××× cards. ➋第一組X 張卡 ➌Team two got xxx cards. ➌第二組X 張卡 ➍Team three got xxx cards. ➍第三組X 張卡 ➎Team four got xxx cards. Okay, now
turning into a stone!!!!!!! ➎第四組X 張卡 好….全班變變變
石頭…….. ➏We are going to give you blackboard
cards now!!! ➏現在老師要下去換黑板卡囉!!! Later, when I say 5678"wake up 待會 我說 5678恢復的時候 then you should prepare the card
that you want to exchange 你們就要準備等等要換的卡片 (3 of the same cards and 8
different cards). (三張一樣 和 八張不一樣) Helping cards: 幫忙卡 ➊Now we are going to do help cards
exchange ➊現在我們要來換幫忙卡 ➋If you Helped teacher, Helped Captain , and you are class prefect today ➋你今天有幫老師,大隊長,還有當小風紀的 ➌Please come to the front and get a
card. ➌請你們出列來前面抽卡 Seven signatures cards: 七個簽名 ➊Now we are going to do seven
signatures card exchange ➊現在我們要來換七個簽名 ➋If you have
please raise your hand wait for me to call you out ➋你有的話請你舉手等我叫你們出來 Three same cards:三張一樣 ➊Now we are going exchange three
same cards place them on your table. ➊現在我們要來換三張一樣,準備好後放在你的桌上 ➋I will call each group to come out
so please listen carefully. ➋我會一組一組叫請仔細聽 Eight different cars exchange for one 八張不一樣換神卡 ➊Now please choose your eight
different cards that you would like to exchange for one master card. ➊現在請你準備好八張不一樣換神卡 ➋I will call each group to come out
so please listen carefully. ➋我會一組一組叫請仔細聽 |