★美語營課程★ 【MONDAY】星期一 缺影片 🔴上午【Open Orientation】相見歡 注意事項> ➊請學生唸到哪裡手指到哪裡!!! ➋每一個學生老師都要下去巡 ★美語人數如何分組★ https://youtu.be/1jslrfGDjqQ (59秒) 相見歡合班雙語教學影片 自我介紹的教學影片 ➊Hello everyone ➊各位小朋友大家好 ➋I’m Teacher XXX ➋我叫XXX老師 ➌I want to see which group has the most energy! To say Good Morning to me ➌我現在要看哪一組最有精神和老師說早安 ➍Good morning Everyone ~~~~ ➍各位小朋友 大~家~早~ (XX 老師早) ================================================================= (二)播放起源 (9:05-9:15) 聽中文版本 ●(播) (起源篇)大墩王國的危機 播放起源的教學影片 ➊Lets listen to a story about the origin of the Kingdom
of Da Duen. ➊現在我們來聽聽看大墩王國的起源 ➋Please turn to page XXX, Draw while listening
!! ➋請打開課本第X頁 邊聽邊畫喔(拿課本做出著色的動作) ➌If you don’t have color pencils ➌沒帶色鉛筆的 ➍You can ask your classmates: ➍跟旁邊借 ➎The teacher likes students who help each
other. ➎老師喜歡互相幫忙的小朋友 ================================================================= (三)分組
(9:15-9:17) 分組教學影片 ➊Now, I will put you into 4 groups. ➊現在老師要介紹組別 ➋You are team 1. Team 1 raise
your hand ➋你們是第一組,第一組舉手 ➌You are team 2. Team 2 raise
your hand. ➌你們是第二組,第二組舉手 ➍You are team 3. Team 3 raise your hand. ➍你們是第三組,第三組舉手 ➎You are team 4 Team 4 raise your hand. ➎你們是第四組,第四組舉手 ➏Now, when I call out your team number , Please raise your hand ➏現在老師要比賽哪一組反應最快喔,叫到的那一組要舉手 ➐Team1 raise your hand………Team 2 ……Team 3……Team 4…… Good
Job! ➐第一組! (舉手…依此類推) ================================================================= (四)舉手口號(9:17-9:20) 舉手口號教學影片 ⚫Later on I’m gonna
introduce our hand lifting slogan ! ⚪等一下老師要來介紹大墩王國的舉手口號喔! ➊Later on, When I say Grapes~~~you raise your hand and say 『YO』 (加舉手動作)Grapes~~~『YO』x3次 ➊等一下我說葡萄,你們就舉手說『又』? ➋Next one, When I say Bana~~~you do this way like me(彎腰動作) and say 『NA』(加動作)Bana~~~『NA』x3次 ➋香蕉是直的還是彎的?( 我說香蕉,你們說彎+要加動作,香蕉~香蕉) ➌Next one, When I say Lemo~~~you do this way like me(手比C) and say 『C』 (加動作) Lemo~~~『C』x3 ➌什麼水果維他命C最多? 對就是檸檬(我說檸檬,你要舉手比C,檸檬~檸檬) ➍Next one, When I say Watermelon~~~you do this way like me(雙手捧臉) and say 『SWEET』(加動作)Watermelon~~~『SWEET』x3 ➍西瓜是甜的還是酸的?我說西瓜,你們要說甜(要加動作),西瓜~西 ➎Last, lets test your reaction when you hear 123 you
raise your hand 1~2~4!!!
1~2~3 ➎最後考考你們的反應,聽到123的時候舉手 1~2~4!!! 1~2~3 ================================================================= (五)秩序口號
(9:20-9:22) 「定睛術」 ⚫In Da Duen Yang
Guang, we got some little magic , ⚪在大墩陽光裡,有很多的小魔法, ⚫the first one called 「eyes on me」 ⚪第一個魔法叫「定睛術」 ⚫When I say eyes on me, your eyes
has to focus on me and say「eyes
on you」 ⚪所以我說定睛~~~~~術,你的眼睛就要定在我身上 ⚫123 eyes on me … pay attention to me. Good Job~~ ⚪123定睛~~~~術~(我蹲下的時候,你就要一直看著我喔!!很好~ ⚫5678 hands back look at me. ⚪5678恢復,當我說恢復的時候,手放後面,眼睛看老師。 「隱身術」 ⚫The Second magic is「Cover your eyes」 ⚪第二個 魔法是「隱身術」, ⚫when I say 「Cover~~~ your eyes」Use your hands to cover up your face . ⚪我說隱身~~~術的時候,用手遮住你的臉, ⚫Then you will disappear。 ⚪就會消失不見喔 ⚫「Cover~~~ your eyes」 ⚪隱身~術 ⚫Wow~~~everyone now is gone!!! ⚪咻~我們班的小朋友怎麼都消失不見了!!! ⚫Whole Teams got 1 point ⚪全班加一分 ⚫5678 hands back look at me. ⚪5678~恢復手放後面,眼睛看老師。 ⚫Adding points make you happy ⚪加分是非常開心 ⚫so when teacher adding points for you , ⚪所以我加分的時候 ⚫You have to say YES loudly!! ⚪要喊YES ⚫Lets try it Team 1 got one point….
YES…… ⚪我們來試試看,第一組加一分 ⚫Team 2 got one point …. ⚪YES~第二組加一分… *(適用於桌上有東西,不適合變石頭時) 「變石頭」 ⚫The most difficult one is「Turn Into a stone」 ⚪最難的是「變石頭」 ⚫When I say Turn~~~~~ into a stone , ⚪當我說變變變~變石頭的時候 ⚫You have to
lie on the desk with the head on your arms. ⚪你就要趴在桌子上變石頭 ⚫Stone has no sounds, can not move , can not speak, ⚪石頭沒有聲音,不會動、也不會講話 ⚫Now I want to see which team are
doing the best ⚪現在我要看哪一組最像石頭!!! ⚫Turn~~~~~ into a stone!!! 5678 wake
up hands back look at me ⚪好~~~變變變~~~變石頭!!5678恢復,手放後面,眼睛看老師 *最容易控制的秩序口號,但桌子上有東西不適用。 倒數 ⚫The last one is Count to 1 ⚪最後一個是倒數,會倒數5秒或10秒 ⚫you have to
go back to your seat and trun into a stone. ⚪回到位子上會變石頭 ⚫Let’s try it. 10 9 8 7 6 ...... 2
1. ⚪倒數10秒,10,9,8,7,6…1 ⚫Turn~~~~~ into a stone ⚪變變變~~~變石頭!! ⚫Good job ! ⚪哇都表現得好棒喔 ⚫Now, let’s review the whole things . ⚪我們來總複習一下 ⚫【Cover your eyes, Turn
Into a stone,Grapes~~~ etc….】 ⚪ (隱身術,變變變~~~變石頭!....葡萄~) ================================================================= (六)加分制度
(9:22-9:25) ➊WOW! So many points on the black board ➊哇~黑板上好多分數 ➋If you get 15 points, you can exchange a card(做動作) ➋只要集滿15分,就可以得到一張卡片。 ➌If you get 30 points, you can exchange 2 cards. ➌30分就可以得到兩張卡片 ➍Card Exchange Time is afternoon 15:40,work
hard to get as many points as you can ➍卡片會在下午換卡時間15:40發,所以一定要努力加油喲! ================================================================= (七)班規講解 選小組長
選風紀 (9:25-9:40) 選小組長 Team Leader ➊Now I will pick your team leaders. ➊老師要來選小組長(超人動作) ➋When I touch your shoulder, then you are
the leader of your team. ➋等一下拍到你的肩膀(手掌往下),請你起立(手掌往上),你就是那一組的小組長 (超人動作) ➌Now, everyone “turn into a stone~~~~”(老師下去選) ➌現在~所有人變~變~變~變石 頭(老師下去選) ➍5, 6, 7, 8, .wake
up !Let's give a big hand for the team leaders ➍5678恢復,大家幫小組長拍拍手。(這周他們就是你們的組長) 選風紀 Class Prefect ➎Now, let's pick the morning and afternoon class
prefects ➎現在換選上下午的小風紀 ➏I want to see which student reacts the fastest. Grape~
Banana~ (Teacher writes names directly on the blackboard) ➏老師要看哪位小朋友反應 最快,葡萄~香蕉~(老師直接選寫名字在黑板上) ➐Later on, the class rules will inform you about the
responsibilities of the class prefects and team leader. ➐等一下 班規會告訴你們小風紀跟小組長的任務喔 ================================================================= ★班級規則(美語版本)★ 🎬(8分)https://youtu.be/YfHw0DQ5E1c ➊Now, open your textbook to Page XXX. ➊現在翻開課本第X頁, ➋Let’s listen to the class rules. ➋我們一起來聽一下班規-我們的約定 ➌Show me your finger and point to the book. (Let me see which team is the fast one, I
will give them 3 points ➌我要比賽哪一組最快翻開課,要加分了,等一下說哪裡,手比到哪裡。我看誰都有比就幫你們小組加分。 (九)點名 roll
call (9:30) ➊Let’s have roll call. When l read your name , you
should answer 『YO』or 『HERE』 ➊現在老師要點名,點到你的名字要有精神的舉手答「又」 ➋Have I missed anybody? ➋誰的名子沒有被唸到? *非相見歡老師要看學生名單發卡冊!!!!!! (八)編號 XXX
Teachers, please help me to give them the number. (十)介紹卡片(9:40-9:50) ➊Let me introduce our Da-Duen
Card.. We have three cards on blackboard ➊現在我要來介紹大墩卡,黑板有三張卡, ➋This heart means his Hit Points. (HP), so
his HP is XXXX.? ➋有人知道愛心代表
什麼嗎(生命值), ➌Paper, scissor and stone mean his 【Attack Point】. His Attack Point of paper is XXX. Attack Point of scissor is XXX. Attack
Point of rock is XXX. ➌那剪刀石頭布呢(攻擊力), ➍This is his special move. When you want to
use it, you must say:” I want to use special move”. And we rock, paper, scissors and. If you win,
then you can use it. ➍每張卡都有絕技,
可能是防禦也可能是攻擊,每張都不一樣。 ➎Who wants to play with me? Any volunteer? ➎我要請一位會玩的小朋友跟老師一起示範 ➏I want to eat watermelon…..
bana….. You! Please come
out to play with me. ➏葡萄(又~),你最快,上台吧! 老師和學生示範卡片PART 1 ➊This card is 小白, with a HP of 90, belongs to the teacher. ➊這張是小白普卡生命值90是老師的 ➋That card is 小黑( a Master Card), it's yours. ➋那張是小黑神卡是你的 ➌Equipment cards can only be used
with Master cards, so your (HP) is 200. ➌裝備卡只能搭神卡,所以你的生命值是200 ➍Now, let's do it with me, and say Da Duen
Yang Guang Battle. When we battle, we have show rock
paper scissors. ➍等一下我們雙手繞圈說大墩陽光戰鬥,戰鬥的時候要出拳。 ※(Whispering to the student: 'You use rock later all
the time') ※(小聲的在學生耳邊說: 你等下示範都出石頭) ➎Let's try it once! Da Duen Yang Guang Battle! ➎我們來試一次! 大墩陽光戰鬥 ➏(Both raise hands high and freeze,
the teacher plays paper) So, the teacher wins. ➏(兩人手舉高,定格,老師出布) 這樣老師贏了) ➐The teacher's paper attack point is
30, your HP points are 200, so you have 170 left. (Calculating on the
blackboard) ➐老師布的攻擊力是30,你的血量是200,所以還有170(要在黑板上計算) ➑Let's continue the Da Duen Yang Guang Battle. (It's a tie) In case of a tie,
continue One more time. ➑繼續大墩陽光戰鬥 (平手),平手繼續猜,再猜一次。 ➒Da Duen
Yang Guan Battle! (Teacher plays scissors) The teacher loses. ➒大墩陽光戰鬥(老師出剪刀)老師輸了 ➓His rock attack point is 80, so the
teacher has only 10 HP points left. ➓大墩陽光戰鬥(老師出剪刀)老師輸了,他石頭攻擊力是80,所以老師的生命值剩10 老師和學生示範卡片PART 2 ➊Now the teacher is about to lose and wants to use a
special move ➊現在老師快輸了,想要用絕技 ➋Before using the special move, the teacher must say ⚫『I want to use my special move』. ➋我用絕技前要先跟對方說 ⚪『我要用絕技』。 ※If the
opponent also wants to use a special move, they have to
play rock-paper-scissors first to decide who can use it first. ※如果對方也想用絕技,就要先猜拳決定誰可以先用。 ➌Do you want to use your special move? ⚫ (Student says yes) Then let's play
rock-paper-scissors first. ➌你要用絕技嗎? ⚪ (學生說要)那我們先猜拳 ➍(Teacher wins) The teacher can use
the special move. ⚫Let's play rock-paper-scissors again. ⚫Remember to say: 【I want to use my special move.】 ➍(老師贏了)老師可以用絕技, ⚪還要再猜一次拳, ⚪記得要說:我要用絕技 ➎(Student plays rock, teacher plays
scissors) ⚫Oh! It's the teacher's turn now,
the special move cannot be used. ➎(學生出石頭老師出 (剪刀) ⚪阿!老師輪了,沒辦法使出絕技, ➏But the teacher won't lose any HP points ⚫because the special move has a
protective shield. ➏但老師也不會被扣血, ⚪因為絕技有防護罩。 ※Special
moves cannot be used in the first round. ※第一回合不能使用絕技 ⚫Each player can only use a special
move once in a match. ⚪絕技一場比賽只能使用一次 ⚫Do you want to use your special
move? ⚪那你要用絕技了嗎? ⚫ (Nods, remember to say, 'I want to
use my special move.') ⚪(點頭,記得要說:我要用絕技) ⚫The student plays rock, and the
teacher plays scissors. ⚪學生出石頭,老師出剪刀 ⚫The child wins and can use the
special move. ⚪小朋友赢了可以使用絕技 ⚫Their special move is a一擊斃命." ⚪他的絕技是一擊斃命。 老師和學生示範卡片PART 3 ➊So the teacher lost, but it's okay. No need to give him
cards. ➊所以老師輸了,輸了也沒關係,不用給他卡片 ➋Just open the textbook card page for signatures. ➋只要打開 課本卡片簽名那一頁 ➌The loser signs for the winner. Don't sign
randomly. ➌輸的幫贏的簽名,不能亂簽名 ➍Collect seven signatures, and you can exchange cards
during the card exchange time. ➍集滿七個簽名就可以在換卡時間換卡片囉. (課本要拿出來指給學生看) (都示範完後)Now, let’s
go through the rules again and listen to the tape. ★大墩卡規則★ 老師和學生介紹美金規則 ➊I also would like to introducing
our dollars, ➊我也要介紹我們的美金 ➋In our class, if we give out one card, it
means you will also receive a dollar. ➋在我們班裡你拿到一張大墩卡時,代表你同時也會拿到美金 ➌One card equal one dollar. ➌一張卡等於一張美金 (老師記得要拿起來給學生看)2張等於2張美金 (十一)大墩卡學生試玩不能和老師玩 ONLY發普卡 (10:00-10:10) ➊Now, “turn into a stone”, I will give everyone Da Duen Card. ➊好 現在變石頭 我下去發大墩卡給你們 ➋5.6.7.8 wake up now everyone has Da Duen
Card ⚫go play with your classmates and
make sure to sign your name for the winner. ➋5678恢復 每個人都有大墩卡 ⚪現在去和其他同學們卡鬥,記得要幫贏家簽名 ➌If you don’t have partner to play with ⚫ I’ll help you find one . ➌如果沒有一起玩, ⚪來找老師,我幫你找其他人 (十二) 大隊長時間 (10:10-10:30) 請帶隊到集合地點 or 教室 (10點出發) ➊Put your card away. In 10 seconds, go back to your seat
and “turn into a stone”. 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1……turn into a stone. ➊大墩卡戰鬥結束囉,請把卡片收好,老師要倒數10秒, 看哪一組最快收好回座位變石頭,老師要加分囉 *鼓勵都要玩 ➋5678 wake up. Now, Let’s go out and line up one team by
one team. ➋現在老師要出去外面整隊囉。 ➌ Team leaders go out first. Raise your hand and show me
which team you are. ➍When I call your team number, line up in order after
your team leader, please. Team 1
go out first, next is team 2…….. team 3….. team 4…… ●上午★九宮格積木★ ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ✔【➊遊戲規則】翻到課本指給學生看 (九宮格積木遊戲規則) ⚫After assembling the picture, ⚪只要你組完一個圖案 ⚫show the finished product ⚪就拿著你的(成品) ⚫and
bring your book to teacher for check . ⚪還有(說明書)給老師打勾 ⚫For every three completed pictures, ⚪每完成三個圖案 ⚫you can draw a Daduen
card from the teacher. ⚪就可以跟老師抽一張大墩卡 ⚫when
you finished one picture , remove it and move on to the next one. ⚪組完後要拆掉,拼下一個。 ⚫If you are very fast and have finished all the pictures , ⚪如果你速度很快,上面所有圖案都拼完了 ⚫you can do【My Creations】. ⚪你可以組【我的創作】 ⚫Remember to write the names of the works, ⚪記得要寫上作品名字 ⚫and for every three completed creations, ⚪完成三個 ⚫you can draw a card. ⚪就可以抽卡 ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ✔【❷組裝規則】說明書朝向學生 ⚫You need baseboard, separator, building
blocks pack, square box, and backup blocks. ⚪這是底板、拆解器、積木包、四方盒子,備份積木 ⚫ Pour building blocks into the box ⚪拿到積木倒進盒子裡 and pick up any that fall out
immediately. ⚪掉出來立刻撿進去 ⚫To use the separator, place it on top and
press down ⚪拆解器,卡上去往下壓就可以了 ⚫The book
shows the
number of blue blocks, white blocks, etc. ⚪這張說明書有寫,藍xx塊、白色有xx塊….. ⚫Place the extra building blocks in front, ⚪積木有多拿來前面放 and take the missing ones from the
front. ⚪有少來前面拿 ⚫ Complete three sets, ⚪組完三個 ⚫and any teacher can check and stamp your
work for a card draw.. ⚪老師都可以幫你打勾抽卡 ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ✔【➌小組長發積木】 ⚫Everyone eyes on me ⚪Eyes On Me ⚫Each group leader come to the front ⚪各組小組長來前面 ⚫and collect the baseboard, separator,, building blocks, and square small boxes. ⚪拿底板、拆解器、積木、四方小盒子 ⚫The ones who receive the building blocks
should first count them. ⚪拿到的人先數積木, ⚫If there are extras, please give it me. ⚪多的拿出來 給老師 ⚫If there are missing blocks, come to the
front to get them. ⚪少的來前面來 ⚫Once the counting is correct, you can start
to do it. ⚪數好就可以開始組裝了 ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ✔【❹中間下課】 ⚫Cover the building blocks with the
baseboard. ⚪用底板把積木蓋起來。 ⚫Building blocks cannot be assembled during
class hours. ⚪下課時間都不能組積木 ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ✔【❺收拾結尾】下課前15分鐘 ⚫check if there are any dropped building
blocks on the table or the floor. ⚪檢查桌上地上有沒有掉落的積木 ⚫The cleanest group gets 5 points. ⚪最乾淨的小組加5分 ⚫Disassemble your building blocks and place
them inside the square box. ⚪把你的積木都拆下來,放進去四方盒 ⚫Pour all the building blocks into the ziplock bag. ⚪把積木都倒進去夾鏈袋 ⚫Each group leader should come to the front
with the baseboard, disassembler, building blocks pack, and square box ⚪小組長把底板,拆解器,積木包,四方盒拿到前面 ⚫It's okay if you haven't finished
assembling; there will be more opportunities later. ⚪沒組完也沒關係之後還有機會 ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ✔【❻下一次的上課】 ⚫Today, we will continue assembling flat
building blocks. ⚪今天繼續組平面積木,快速複習: Quick
review: ⚫After completing three sets, draw a card. ⚪你拼完三個抽一張卡 ⚫Any of the three teachers can check and
stamp for the card draw. ⚪三位老師都可以打勾抽卡 ⚫If building blocks fall out, immediately
pick them up and put them into the square box. ⚪積木掉出來立刻撿進去四方盒 ⚫Group leaders, please come forward to
collect the materials, ⚪小組長出來拿材料 and once you have them, you can begin
assembling. ⚪拿到就開始組了 ●下午★魔棒生花★ 魔術-魔棒生花單字 ●魔棒生花教學影片● ➊魔棒生花-示範表演 ➋魔棒生花-表演+破解 ➌魔棒生花-練習+驗收 板書:魔術6步驟 🟡魔術教學 1老師表演+破解 2口頭帶唸3次(學生翻課本) 3發道具帶唸+動做三次(動作誇張) 4驗收發卡(加美金)很棒2卡,不錯1卡 5回家給爸驗收,隔天可抽卡 6看美語卡通影片
2.Verbal recitation 3 times (students read
from textbooks) 3.Use props + exaggerated actions three times 4.Check and distribute cards (earn extra
dollars) - excellent performance gets 2 cards, good performance gets 1 card 5.how at home, and the next day can draw a
card 6.Watch English cartoon videos Magic Stick ➊ I have a pot and a stick ➊我有盆栽和魔棒 ➋ Then I say the magic words”money ~money~home” ➋然會我說咒語”money~money~home” ➌ Boom! A flower has come out ➌蹦!變出一束花 ➍ Please give me a big hand ➍請給我一個掌聲 Q:魔術的教學流程? ➊示範 (肢體動作誇張,語調高低起伏要有,請學生桌上淨空) ➋破解 ( 老師示範怎麼破解,學生在位子上看老師示範) ➌老師帶念課文 (有精神的念,多鼓勵學生)。 ➍拿道具跟老師一起做 (請全班先檢查道具,老師帶學生一起做,老師念一句然後學生比)。 ➎練習給3個同學(要變給三個同學驗收後,才可以找老師驗收) 如果小朋友害羞直接指定。 ➏老師驗收抽卡。(直接給卡片,程度好的學生可以自由發揮英文給比較好的卡片) 學生講得很差 講得不好 請學生回去練習再來 ➐遇到內向!!!!!!!的學生有兩個方法 方法A:老師教學生一句一句教學生 但是!!! 如果有太多學生有這種情況用方法B! 方法B :老師說 : 有沒有小朋友. 來小幫手來幫忙老師教他幫我教他的怎麼念,教他怎麼 變魔術,有幫忙的的小朋友 可以抽一張神卡喔 要得舉手! 來! 你來教他如果他等一下變得很厲害的話你才可以抽卡。小幫手也可以抽卡片。 ➑ Q:學生動作會不確實要如何做? A:老師要下去巡,指導動作。 魔術教學 Q&A (學生問題篇) Q:如果學生不想做呢? 比如太難或著沒有興趣之類 A:把比較難的英文片語寫在黑板上中英都要寫!!!老師帶領學生一起念。
讚美學生的話請老師們,誇張的利用自身肢體臉部表情。善用加分來控班! ================================================================= Q:學生動作會不確實要如何做? A:表演魔術要誇張 學生比較容易理解 鼓勵同學教同學。 ================================================================= Q:怎麼樣才能迅速讓課程進行順利? A:善用加分,秩序口好 (一定要誇張
邊講邊比動做 ) 耐心領導學生。 ================================================================== Q:如果魔術道具學生損壞的話請問怎麼處理? A:請和學生們說教具使用每人只有一個!! 如果有損壞一定要和大隊長說。 ================================================================== Q:課堂上如果有學生做完後可以去教其他同學嗎? A:如果學生完成的可以去教同學,有幫忙的學生們給學生抽放學幫忙卡。 ================================================================== Q:學生不會念怎麼辦? A:老師下去帶學生一起念。 ================================================================== |